Referrals are Most Popular Method of Client Generation for MFTs

By Communications

In the first half of 2022, AAMFT conducted an industry workforce study to examine the shifts related to COVID-19, their short- and longer-term impacts, and what challenges and opportunities are facing the field. In each issue of Family Therap-eNews, we examine a data point from this report.

To download the full report, visit

While most respondents indicated they are at full employment, almost two-thirds of therapists responded, when necessary, they acquired clients from referrals from other mental health providers (64%) and existing clients (63%). Nearly half (46%) acquired clients from online directories. Segmentation revealed that therapists with less than six years of experience relied more heavily on online directories (53%) than those with over 20 years of tenure (40%), who were more likely to acquire clients from existing client referrals (67%) compared to those with less than six years of experience (54%).

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