MFTs Rate Reimbursement as Key Challenge for the Profession

By Communications

In the first half of 2022, AAMFT conducted an industry workforce study to examine the shifts related to COVID-19, their short- and longer-term impacts, and what challenges and opportunities are facing the field. In each issue of Family Therap-eNews, we examine a data point from this report.

To download the full report, visit

Nearly half of all respondents (49%) identified getting fair private insurance reimbursement was a key challenge facing the profession.

Segmentation of responses revealed the following differences:

  • Membership: Former AAMFT members were more likely to rate private payor reimbursement as a top priority (69%) than current members (61%).
  • Job role: MFTs listing therapist as their primary role were also more likely to consider private payor reimbursement (65%) a top priority compared to students (56%) and academic researchers (47%). Students were also more likely to rate MFTs being recognized as eligible Medicare providers as a top priority (75%) compared to academic/researchers (69%) and therapists (59%).
  • Work setting: Agency LMFTs were more likely than those from other work settings to prioritize focus on striving for MFTs to be recognized as eligible Medicare and Medicaid providers (79%).

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